17 May 2007

Supermom's Foe IPA

I've finally gotten around to my first hero/villain beer...and it's not going to have any alcohol. WTF anyway.

A familiar beginning:
1 gallon of The Town H2O steeping 10 oz crushed 40L crystal malt for 30 minutes at 150 degrees.
This imparts both color and "specialty grain" flavor to the finished beer. Since I am extracting the alcohol and probably losing any subtleties in this batch, this step may be totally meaningless. I feel compelled to do it anyway, thinking that this beer will need all the help it can get if it is going to be at all quaffable.

Strain the water into the brew kettle, and sparge the bag of grains with another gallon of 150 degrees H2O.

Upon boil, added
5 lbs American light extract syrup
1 lb light dry extract powder
1.5 oz chinook bittering hop
boil all this for 45 minutes

Add 3/4 oz Kent Goldings
3/4 oz Cascade
1tsp. Irish Moss
boil all this for 15 minutes


Put the cooling tube in the wort to sanitize. Don't forget to run some clean water through it first. Some water from inside almost always drips into the wort at some time; best if it is not stale water form the last time I brewed.

Cool it down, add to the carboy and pitch the yeast
1056 American Ale slap pack

O.G. 1.033

1 comment:

ana fallon said...

You rock CK. Thanks for the humor, I need it. By the way, once all this dental BS is over with you and I are having lunch. Period.