Finally my friend SUPERMOM brought me beers of her father. I can only assume that they were crafted on crystal mountains of the planet Krypton. First up is his Belgian-style ale. As you can see by the pic it looks like beer. I poured it straight into my favorite tasting glass, a stemmed Michelob glass SQUIRREL picked up for me at a garage sale a year or so ago. A nice amber color, the beer produced a nice head in the glass that, unfortunately, quickly dissapated. Larger bubbles quickly formed on the sides, but within 8 minutes or so they were also gone. Tiny bubbles continue to cascade up the middle of the glass even now as I write. The flavor is REAL nice, a great Belgian sweetness without puckery sourness. It lingers on, and is complex throughout, if not a bit too sweet. I would have liked some more lingering carbonation. Perhaps it just needs more time in the bottle to mature. It's probably pretty young.
Next, the stout, Which SUPERMOM says is even better. Well, the head retention is a bit better, with the nice light brown bubbles clinging to the side of the glass as I imbibe. The flavor is good, very toasty to the point of burnt. The carbonation is nice, not too much or little. The finish is short, I'd like that toasty quality to continue on longer. Nice showing, all in all.
1 comment:
I've been brewing like crazy lately. Yesterday I bottled my Scottish Ale (I forget the recipe) and brewed an ESB. For the ESB I used 7 lbs of light malt, 2 lbs of Crystal 40, adding 1 oz of Fuggle hops right away (after removing the grain bag), 1 oz of Fuggle hops after 15 minutes, 1 oz of Kent Golding after another 15 minutes and 1 oz of Kent Golding at the very end (just before turing the heat off). The liquid yeast was "White Labs'" English Ale. I added the yeast at 5:30 last night and it is active already when I looked at 8am this morning. It's creating really fine bubbles, they are soft and I like my carbonation soft like a Boddington's or Guinness...nitro style.
-Phil (Mel's dad)
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