This brew is based on last year's Angelsweat Wheat. It is a simple extract recipe that I had great success with during the time of Bay to Breakers last year. This time around, I decided to take something I liked a lot and take the chance of ruining it by adding fruit! Specifically blood oranges from Italy I picked up yesterday from Monterey Market in Bezerkeley. Go there if you haven't; it's an amazing place. I know, the one in the picture isn't all that blood-red, but trust me, it was super sweet and delicious.
The recipe:
7+ lbs. wheat/malt extract
1.25 oz. Hallertau upon boil
.5 oz. Saaz with 20 minutes left
Spoonful of Irish moss. It will still be hazy, I expect. Which is a good thing.
.5 oz. Saaz at the end of boil
While this is happening, I heated 1/2 gallon of water to 180 degrees with the zest and meat of 4 nice-sized blood oranges. Let that steep and cool.
At yeast-pitching time, I threw all of into my large carboy and let it all talk it over. It looks pretty fun, we'll see how my first fruity beer turns out.
I didn't take a hydrometer reading, seemed a little pointless with all that fruit.