I'm finally getting around to my tasting notes on the other three beers brewed by Supermom's pops. Here they are, from too brief to overly wordy.
Amber: Over-carbonated. It didn't overflow, but would have if I had poured the entire beer in the glass. Even the bottle itself filled up with head after pouring. After it retracted it stuck around in a sort of weak form. The flavor is delicious and tinny (that's all I wrote?!?). Full-bodied, filled my mouth pleasantly.
Red: Funny how this carbonation thing is so inconsistent. The brews go from perfect (grain beer from previous post) to too much (see above), to a bit thin, as in this red beer. I'd like to know how to control that. I'd guess that the amount of sugar vs specific gravity would have a good deal to do with that. I'd also guess that Jor-el put the same amount of priming sugar into each of these batches, as I have always done. That would account for the inconsistent levels in differing brews. The flavor of this beer is wonderful. It has a bit of that stingy, metallic flavor I expect from a red beer. All that plus real body and full finish. Back in college when I was drinking all that Leiney's Red I would have wanted it to taste like this beer. Too bad it never did.
Brown Ale: Since my critiques tend toward carbonation levels, I'll start there again: perfect this time! Especially at the outset. I poured straight into my Duvel taster and the head bubbled up, pushing the limits of the lip of the glass, without cascading over. The head slowly dissipated and carbonation stayed strong till the end. The flavor is dominated by a pleasant nuttiness. A flash of bitterness hits the back of the tongue initially, followed by a bit of malt flavor, and the beer finishes quite bitter. This is a great ale! Not what I expected from a brown, I'd have to say. It has none of the sticky sweetness found in others, I am relieved to say.
All in all, Krypton is putting out some of the best homebrews in my world. An import I hope to see a lot more of.